Membership Meeting Notes & Agendas
We have polled our members, and will now host quarterly membership meetings that covers general news and updates, plus offers individual fundraising opportunities updates. Please see below for past meeting notes and agendas.
We host our annual membership meeting in JUNE, and will be updating our members soon for our 2024 Annual Meeting Notice. This meeting is encouraged for all members to attend as we submit our budget for the upcoming, vote on new board members (if applicable), and address other necessary action items as the fiscal year ends for The Foundation.
March 2024 Meeting
October 2023 Meeting
June 2023 Meeting (ANNUAL MEETING)
As the Foundation grows and continues to expand it's initiatives and abilities, it will begin to activate committees to oversee certain goals and projects. Please find below the agendas and notes from past committee meetings.
So far, the only formed committee is our Individual Fundraising Committee.
We are currently seeking committee leads for this effort. If you are interested, please email The Foundation at: